Celebrating Autism Awareness Month - Little Spurs Autism Centers

Celebrating Autism Awareness Month

  • April 9, 2024
  • 75
  • 346
Celebrating Autism Awareness Month - Little Spurs Autism Centers

April is when we celebrate Autism Awareness Month! We are excited to join in the celebration by providing resources, education, and networking opportunities in our community. This month, we invite all our San Antonio families to join us on a special walk for Autism Awareness. We invite you to join us from 8 AM –11 AM on Saturday, April 20th, for the 20th Walk for Autism hosted by Any Baby Can San Antonio. Taking part in the walk is an excellent way to show your support for those living with Autism and their families. For more information on this event or to sign up to walk, click here 

This year, we will be sponsoring the “Sensory Friendly Zone” at the event. We’ve partnered with Any Baby Can to create a quieter environment to be used as a calm-down area where children with sensory sensitives can go to take a break the day of the event.  

Large events such as this one can provide a lot of sensory stimulation and be overwhelming at times. To help children manage the sensory input of this outdoor event, we will work together to provide a safe indoor place where children can come to decompress, either at an autism center or other indoor space. We are here to provide you with our top tips for navigating events with children who have sensory sensitivities. 

Now we will provide you with our top tips for navigating events with children who have sensory sensitivities! 

  1. Plan Ahead: Knowing the order of events, layout of the area, and general information about the location can help. You know your child’s sensory needs best! Taking a little time to prepare for the upcoming event or any outdoor event and activities can help your child feel safe and not so overwhelmed! 
  1. Communication is Key: Communication with event organizers and staff members is a needed safety tip for larger events. Learning about the resources and support they may offer can help meet your child’s needs and allow you an opportunity to advocate on their behalf. Do not hesitate to ask for modifications or accommodation if necessary.  
  1. Implement Sensory Managment Strategies: This can vary based on your child’s individual sensory needs. For example, if you have a child who is sensitive to light or other visual stimuli, consider bringing sunglasses along. Parents of children with sensitivity to noise could implement noise-canceling headphones to block out added sensory input in loud environments. If you have a tactile sensory seeker or know your child will need something to hold throughout the event, bring one of their favorite and most comforting items! 

Together we can make a difference! This month, and every month, we want to honor and celebrate the strengths and talents of those with Autism. We hope you will join us this April as we walk for Autism Awareness.  

Little Spurs Autism Centers offers collaborative and compassionate ABA Therapy, aka autism therapy to children 0-21 years old. Offering both center-based and home-based care, LSAC is excited to empower families by providing them with the support they need. For more information, please email us at autism@littlespurs.com. 

Article By: Breanna Kolts, BT Sarah Powell, BCBA, LBA

Person-centered ABA Therapy
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