Wondering if we can help your child? Below is a list of our autism therapy services at Little Spurs Autism Centers.

With You Every Step of the Journey
Focused on Every Child’s Specific Needs
ABA therapy is an autism therapy technique based on the science of behavior analysis.View More
We offer both group autism therapy caregiver education sessions and individual.View More
Providing caregivers help to advocate for your child.View More
Services are designed to enhance the lives of individuals.View More
Do you want your staff to have a better understanding of behavior?View More
We provide ADOS-2 assessments to children 0-21 years old.View More
Together we can help your child and your family.
We support you in every step of your journey
Providing You Support
Little Spurs Autism Centers
We will not change your child; we will focus on their strengths and give you the tools to build on those strengths, tailoring our approach to meet their individual needs, whether it's in academics, social skills, or autism therapy.
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Ready to support your family