Caregiver involvement is crucial during ABA therapy. Not only is it beneficial for the child, most insurance companies require it in order to continue therapy. By learning what to do when the behavior technician is not there, caregivers are given the tools to provide their child with consistency and support.
While the requirements differ between insurance companies, most require at least one hour a month of caregiver education sessions. At Little Spurs Autism Centers (LSAC), we can offer both 30-minute sessions twice a month, or a one-hour session once a month in order to fulfill that requirement. But we are always available for more dependent on your child’s needs. The sessions take place with the Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. At LSAC, we like to do these sessions both with and without the child in attendance (For example: for a one-hour session – 30 minutes with the child, 30 minutes without) to best support your autism therapy goals.
These sessions are a great place and time to address certain behaviors at home or at school that are not taking place at the center. If you notice a behavior that doesn’t occur during autism therapy, we will ask you to document the behavior, particularly what happened right before and right after it occurs. After this, we can work with you to create a plan that will help to address this behavior.
Participation from caregivers has shown to drastically improve the results of ABA therapy. At LSAC, we will offer both group caregiver education sessions and individual. We are excited to work with you and your family! Contact us at autism@littlespurs.com for more information.
Little Spurs Autism Centers is expected to open in early 2022 in Leon Springs, TX. LSAC will offer collaborative and compassionate ABA Therapy to children 0-21 years old. Offering both center-based and home-based care, LSAC is excited to empower families by providing them with the support they need.